Manufactures of Quality Kraft Paper

Greenland Paper Mills Ltd (GPML) was incorporated in the year 1995 with the objective of manufacturing Kraft Paper in various grades which is used by Corrugated Packaging Industry. The Corporate Office of the Company is situated at Alamcode, Attingal, Thiruvananthapuram District, Kerala and Paper Mill plant is located at Adhichanallor, Kollam District, Kerala. The Company started its commercial production in October 1997 with a production capacity of 7500 MT per annum. The plant is designed to manufacture good quality MG Kraft Paper by recycling of scrap waste paper ( old used card board boxes).
It sources 60 % of raw material from local market and rest by imports from countries like USA, Middle East, Sri Lanka Etc. The paper produced by GPML is marketed throughout Kerala and broader district of Tamil Nadu and Karnadaka and the quality is well accepted.
facilities that we provide
Equipments such as hydropulper,hiconpulper, Turbo separator, Rifiners Etc. to produce pulp stock of 75 MT per day.
Paper machine of size 248 Cm deckle size with fordrainer , 2 numbers heavy duty press, pre drives, M.G, post dryers and size press. The plant can produce 65 to 70 MT per day.
Full-fledged Effluent Treatment Plant with clarifies and other systems as per Pollution Control Board norms to treat the effluent discharge from process. We are following a ‘Zero Liquid Discharge’ system and the effluents from the ETP process are monitored by online camera system connected to Central Pollution Control Board’s server at New Delhi.
Heavy duty re winder to slit and re wind paper reels up to a maximum dia of 1250 Cm
Six tone boiler using biomass as fuel.
Well equipped lab to ensure the quality parameters of kraft paper product.
Highlights / Achievements
The Company safeguards the interest of both shareholders and financial institutions and ensures divided payment every year from the inception.
M/s. Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation has honoured the Company as Outstanding Entrepreneurship Award for its outstanding performance during the year 2011.
The Company received Award for Outstanding Revenue Performance in the Central Excise Division Kollam for the year 2002 - 03 under the category Private Sector.